NJHS - National Junior Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society
Westerly Middle School participates in the National Junior Honor Society by supporting and recognizing our eligible Grade 8 students. This is a prestigious and important activity for students who excel in character and academics. NJHS is a premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle level students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, and develop character. It is understood that the five characteristics of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character should be reflected throughout the whole year. The following information outlines the requirements for students to qualify for consideration for the Junior Honor Society at WMS. There will be an informational meeting for all 8th graders in September.
- Letter of Intent
- A GPA of 90 or above (GPA includes ALL classes)
12 hours of community service due by May 1st of 8th Grade.(community service forms are available in the Guidance Office)
Recommendation from any WMS teacher. (Due by holiday break of 8th grade year)
Letter of Recommendation from a non-school source (other than family and due by holiday break of 8th grade year)
Students interested in participating in our chapter of the NJHS should pick up forms in the Guidance Office or by contacting Ms Shapiro. Induction ceremony will be in the late spring at WMS on date and time TBD